Day 40: Consummation

Too often have I pondered the future, and feared the unknown. Too often have I been mislead by the judgement of others. Too often have I heard the words “don't jump in head first” or “look out for yourself first”. Too often have I made choices based on fear, and not love -- choices which led to regret, and in need of justification. Love needs no justification, no explanation -- it justifies, and covers all wrongs. Love does not protect itself, but would lay it all down to protect others. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. Love does not worry, but always trusts, always hopes, always preserves. To you, my dearest reader; love will never fail you. She will stand tall when all others fall. She will hold you in your loneliest hour, and burn away the dark of night in her radiance. Make love your God, and let the consummation of love perfect you.
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