Day 37: Not what goes in, but what comes out

I was one of those kids who grew up learning “the hard way”. Raised by a strict Asian Mom who never once beat me, but certainly disciplined me harshly. Pain is a survival mechanism, whose purpose is to protect the body. It is fundamental to our lives, and people born without the ability to feel pain (yes they really exist) don’t tend to live very long. However pain does not always equal physical harm, and vice versa. Pain is not an input of the body, it is an output of the brain. Your brain decides what level of pain (if any) should be triggered in order to help you. You are unique in your decision making as you consider your emotions, past memories, and future intentions. It all sounds simple when you put it in words; but anyone who was raised even remotely similar to the way I was, knows better. As you grow wiser, you try not to get bitter towards those who have hurt you in the past, let alone those who are still hurting you now. Family, friends, people who don’t know you at all, it doesn’t take much. A small remark here, a body or facial gesture there - it’s the little things that get you. Still, don’t let it crawl under your skin. Don’t digest the feces that infests this world. No matter what words or consequence come your way, know that you have the power to do good. You have a choice to do the right thing - to disregard hate, to process love. Our bodies may output all sorts of excrement, but you are a Spirit that works, and breeds in the way of love. Conditions may not always favor you, but conditions do not dictate your response. It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles you, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles you. Like trees that take in the toxic of this world, inhale the hate, and exhale the Spiritual oxygen of love.
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