Day 2: Love is a choice
If living is a daily choice, then so is love. When we were young, and defenseless, till we are old, and grey -- we need the help, and love of others. Yet so often we forget that our lives are not our own. We live for those we love. From giving up seats in trains to the elderly, to motherly instinct that senses when her child is in danger; these are more than courteous acts, more than mere feeling. Love is not a chemical reaction, love is a universal law. It is what keeps regretful words at bay, and soften hearts to take back what was regretfully said. Love is law; and the law is emotionless. Law which holds back the hand against one’s better half, but does not spare the rod to one’s child. To live according to the law is a choice. In it’s purest form; law was created to protect, to enforce what is morally upright. Abide in the law of love, and love will abide in you.
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